Semi-Private Training sessions:
Fast FIT (Functional Integrated Training)
These sessions combine traditional strength training, multi-planar movements, functional exercises, as well as metabolic conditioning. These workouts are designed in "phases" to be fun, build confidence, and help you get results.
Format: 55 minutes, 1-6 clients
Seasonal Specialty Sessions:
Rings, Bags, & Bells
Bulgarian Bags, Rubber Bands, & Medicine Balls
Group Fitness Training Sessions:
Afterburn: The ultimate in dynamic large group Fat Burning and Conditioning workouts. Plan on burning 600-1,000 calories in an hour and then continuing to burn more calories for the next 24-48 hours after the workout is over. Format: 40-45 minutes.
Chiseled: Want to get stronger, feel better, look better, and even move better? In this large group training session, you will use heavier weight and lower reps to help you build strength, without building bulk. Format: 40-45 minutes.BLAST: Beast Level Anaerobic Strength Training is for any person wanting to push themselves out of their comfort zone to improve their overall performance. Pulling out all the "toys," trainers will push you to go at your best effort to conquer strength, endurance and mentally challenging exercise circuit. Format: 40-45 minutes.Restore: This Restore session increases your mobility between your various major and minor joints, increases your core strength, flexibility and range of motion, reduces injuries and teaches you control of your breath during lifts and other movements. This is not a meditation or philosophical type session. Format: 40 minutes.